YOU ARE ENOUGH( plus Free You Are Enough Companion) 12 Healing Steps To Your Wealth, Health, Love And Happiness
Package contents: One hard copy of You are enough 196 page book, One hard copy of You are enough companion book
With all that is happening around in the world today, the time is now for you to tap into who you are and become one with God. You cease to be part of any lack, limitation or chaos, and link yourself up to the source of all supply, God, who is wealth, health, love, and happiness. This relationship is what “YOU ARE ENOUGH” is all about. Through twelve proven steps, you arrive at a place of oneness with God and have the tools to experience all that you desire in your life.
There is a free e- Companion for you to download and use on this your journey to connect with your God within and know You are Enough because all good that you desire is here now, always present, it is not apart from you therefore it’s coming to you does not require time, it is NOW! Claim it! This book will show you how.
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