You will manifest as much as you believe you deserve

3 Sep

You deserve to be great, you deserve to experience incredible love, you deserve great health, and you definitely deserve your heart desire. Believe it, strengthen your relationship with God and continue to work the principles to manifest God in incredible ways.

You will manifest as much as you desire

26 Aug

God, the invisible substance out of which all visible things are formed, is all around you, waiting to come forth into manifestation. This good substance all about you is unlimited, and is itself the supply of every demand that can be made, of every need that exists in the visible or natural world.
Believe the limitlessness of God to believe that you can manifest all that you desire.

You will manifest as much as you ask for

20 Aug

God is the substance of all things visible and invisible, and is omnipresent (everywhere present). There is no such thing as lack of God or lack of substance in any place in this universe.