The late world famous psychologist, Carl Jung, who was also an avid mystical researcher, was correct in his attitude toward problems. He presents that we outgrow problems instead of solving them. We may think we solved it but in the spiritual realm, we accomplish this through a growth of ourselves to higher spiritual consciousness.
The best time to deal with a problem is at its very first sign. One needs to be calm, even in the face of a storm with the quiet self-assurance that no matter what the problem, it can be dealt with spiritually. I know this may be seen as asking for too much…You are probably saying, how can you ask me to be calm with this terrible storm that I am facing? but this is truly the beginning of the solution, and trust me it works if you work it .
There certainly may be physical actions that one takes in dealing with a problem, but ultimately, as with all things, it must be outgrown, for growth is the solution within itself.
So when problems arise you do the following:
After your initial reaction, don’t overreact. An old adage is that “it is not what happens to you, it is the way you react to it that matters”. Pray and begin spiritually treating your mind for spiritual peace, for power, and for higher consciousness to deal with the problem. Pray ”The peace of God is mine, the power of God is mine, God is working this problem out, right now” “ I release I let go and let God.”
Don’t spend time blaming yourself or others. Rather, take that time to ask for God’s guidance on what to do to remove the problem.
“’If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind”. James 1:5-6
Affirm that “The power of God within me is greater than the problem.”
Meditate, which really means take time away from everything and everyone, find time to be quiet, raising your consciousness above the energy level of the problem.
If other people are directly involved with your problem, bless them, instead of cursing them or thinking about “getting even.” This sets up positive thought currents for the removal of the problem.
If the problem is a lack of something, immediately start affirming, that what you appear to lack is already yours through the Spiritual power of God working in, through, and about you.
When a problem arises, don’t think of it in terms of something going wrong in your life, or have a defeatist attitude. Everyone and everything that come into your experience have a reason for coming, the best attitude is to consider it a signal for a new growth of consciousness and get to work on the spiritual side.
Give thanks, that you are being guided by God; an attitude of gratitude sets the stage for God’s manifestation. Know that God is always able, look to Him, turn away from the problem and turn towards God, listen to the “still small voice of God” for the next step.
“I give thanks to the God-Power within me for the elevation of my consciousness and the resolution of my problem.”